Reliable, resilient endpoints for your modern workforce. Always-on endpoint visibility, always-on Control & Endpoint Resilience

Automated Security Compliance with Absolute Secure Endpoint by NetBoss

Strengthen IT and compliance posture by fortifying your technology and security stack, ensuring your security controls are working.

Windows | macOs | ChromeOs

Secure Endpoint

Absolute Visibility | Absolute Control | Absolute Resilience

Reliable, resilient endpoints for the anywhere workforce

Remove all Doubt that Your Endpoints are Secure

Today’s distributed organizations require a permanent digital connection

that intelligently and dynamically applies visibility, control, and self-healing capabilities to endpoints and applications – helping them to strengthen their cyber resilience. To keep pace with a distributed workforce and achieve cyber resilience, IT and security teams rely on the powerful fusion of asset intelligence, resilient endpoint security, and confident risk response. They rely on Absolute Secure Endpoint.

Absolute Visibility

Boost your endpoint visibility – on and off your corporate network


Give your IT team constant visibility into endpoints

The work-from-anywhere era has given newfound significance to endpoint visibility. Inconsistent visibility affects your IT team’s ability to support and resolve user issues. Most cyberattacks begin on endpoints, not firewalls or servers, which makes endpoint visibility even more essential.


Report on hardware inventory

Report and alert on hundreds of hardware attributes, leverage pre-built and custom reports, track new device activations and connection history, and track the evolution of offline devices.

Track installed software applications

Assess installed software on your devices to identify vulnerable apps or versions, policy non-compliance, shadow IT, and possible license non-compliance.

Understand Web usage and Web app ROI

Determine your ROI for online tools and subscriptions by comparing usage patterns. Identify if devices are accessing unsecure or inappropriate websites or applications.

Assess device security

Report on encryption and anti-virus/malware status across your device population, monitor evolution of encryption status over time.

Measure device usage

Assess average daily device usage across different device groups to detect under-utilized devices or anomalous usage.

Monitor mission-critical applications

Report on the health status of mission-critical applications covered within the Application Resilience catalog.

Identify sensitive information on devices

Discover sensitive data (e.g., PII, PHI, company IP) across your device fleet and identify devices that are syncing sensitive files with cloud storage services.

Track and locate devices

See all your enrolled devices, on and off your corporate network.

Get the truth from your devices, apps, and data

Discover savings within your budget

  • Trust that you’re not missing anything — thanks to an always-on connection that is provided by Absolute Persistence Technology.

  • Embedded in the firmware of more than 600 million endpoints, Absolute will automatically reinstall itself to remain healthy even if tampered with. This enables consistent visibility.

  • Inventory your hardware and software assets automatically — then generate reports on hardware status, software, OS, geolocation, and hundreds of other data points that Absolute collects for you.

  • Maximize the return on your tech investments with reports on device and software usage. Identify underused devices to repurpose across your teams.

  • Detailed Web usage and ROI analytics demonstrate how users are leveraging Web tools to help you measure value.

Absolute Control

Retain command of all your endpoints, all the time – even if they’re off your corporate network

Take action to safeguard your devices, applications, and data

Endpoint visibility is important. However, it’s even more crucial to safeguard your devices, applications, and data based on what you’ve learned by gathering the truth across your endpoints. Endpoint control is the next step in your endpoint management and security strategy.


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Detect unauthorized device movement

Define geofences to detect unauthorized device movement and be alerted when a device crosses an established boundary.

Remotely freeze at-risk devices

Freeze devices when threats have been detected, and notify users with a custom message – automated or on demand.

Remotely delete data

Selectively delete files on any device from anywhere and remotely perform an end-of-life device wipe in accordance with NIST 800-88 with compliance certificate.

Send secure, on-device end user communications

Inform users in a coordinated fashion by displaying important messaging in real-time on their devices’ screen or to solicit feedback even if their device has been compromised or other communication tools have been rendered inoperable.

Streamline missing device reclamation process

Improve missing device return rates by leveraging capabilities like on-device end user communications, device freeze, and geolocation tracking.

Enable firmware protection

Create, remove, or change supervisor password remotely and at scale on specific Lenovo devices.

Safeguard your devices

Earn trust and prove compliance

  • Freeze lost or stolen devices. Set geofences and timers to automatically trigger these actions whenever a device leaves a safe area or stops calling in.

  • Selectively wipe data from at-risk endpoints. Perform end-of-life device wipes remotely and generate compliance certificates.

Absolute Resilience

Make your endpoints and mission-critical applications cyber resilient

Achieve resilient, self-healing endpoints

Absolute is the world-leader and pioneer of endpoint resilience. Empower your organization to withstand and recover from cyber security threats and attacks on endpoints and installed, mission-critical applications.


Monitor Application Health

Observe basic application health parameters across 2,000 Windows and Mac business, productivity, and security apps to detect any failures and analyze the root cause.

Make mission-critical applications self-healing

Leverage Application Resilience to automatically repair or reinstall mission-critical applications when they have been disabled, or are not running in a healthy state.

Remotely query and remediate devices at scale

Take remedial action across devices by leveraging a library of hundreds of customized scripts to accelerate your response and recovery efforts.

Investigate and recover stolen devices

Leverage the expert Absolute Investigation team to locate and recover stolen devices in collaboration with law enforcement.

Remediate your devices remotely and at scale

Make your endpoints resilient to external factors

  • Monitor basic application health parameters across 2,000 Windows and Mac apps to determine any failures, allowing for swift self-mitigation.

  • Leverage Application Resilience to monitor mission-critical applications’ health and behavior; detect if missing, corrupted, or not running; and automatically repair or re-installs components when necessary – without requiring human intervention.

  • Query and remediate your whole device fleet to gather precise contextual insights. Address dark endpoints, ransomware attacks, and other vulnerabilities with automation and custom or pre-built Absolute Reach scripts.

Don’t let your devices become a liability

Minimize your risk of device loss

  • Let the Absolute Investigations team pair up with local law enforcement to lead the search for your lost or stolen devices.

Schedule a demo

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